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Pastor Don Okhuofu

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Meet our Patron : Pastor Don Okhuofu


Pastor Don Okhuofu is a graduate of Economics from the Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife and an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN).

He is currently the Chairman of Kuda Microfinance Bank, Deputy Managing Director of Associated Oil and Gas Company, a marine equipment leasing company and EPC contractors in the Nigerian Oil and Gas industry, and Managing Director of Pneuma Advisory Limited, a Financial Strategy and Business Advisory company in Nigeria

Prior to these roles, Pastor Don was Director, Risk Management at Honeywell Group Limited, an Associate Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers Nigeria and Chief Financial Officer at Ecobank Nigeria Plc.

In these institutions, Pastor Doncarried outFinancial and Business Analysis, Financial Reporting, Financial Planning and Strategy, FinancialDue Diligence, Risk Management,Internal Controls, Reporting Accounting, Mergers and Business Acquisition,Business Set Up, Tax Planning and Compliance and much more.

Abridged Profile

At PricewaterhouseCoopers, Pastor Don was responsible for the audit and advisory services of one of the Nigeria’s biggest banking Conglomerate as well as that of a Pan African Bank. He was also involved in a number of due diligence assignments on behalf of banks wishing to buy into/invest in other banks within Nigeria and in the West African sub region.

Pastor Don led and managed several reporting accounting assignments for some of the biggest offer of shares in the recent recapitalization of the banking industry in the country. He also participated in strategic change engagement for the Central Bank of Nigeria.

Pastor Don has attended several Finance, Banking and Risk Management trainings in the United States and United Kingdom. He is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria.

He was ordained a Pastor in Christ Embassy in 2008 after having served as a Deacon for six years. He has pastored at different levels for over 15 years and is currently the Group Pastor of Christ Embassy Ajah, Lagos Zone 5.

Pastor Don is married with four children.

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