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Sis Caroline Akhuetie

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Meet our Director: Sis Caroline Akhuetie

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SIS CAROLINE AKHUETIE has been a Network Marketer with over 13 years of experience, with driven passion for success which has proven itself and visible in her testimonies of achievements in Network Marketing.
She has risen into the Management level in some Network Marketing Business, which qualified her for various incentives and also has helped in expanding the scope of the business by equipping others with the professional skills needed in succeeding in the business.

Caroline Akhuetie is a Graduate of Electrical Electronics Engineering from Federal Polytechnic Auchi, Edo- state. With her Engineering skills she has diverge into several key areas of business with over fourteen years work experience. She is Senior Business Analyst, Web Analyst and Application Support Engineer.


Abridged Profile

She has been able to review, redesign and improve processes for better Return of Investment in her place of work and also for starters in Business, SMEs and Big Business Owners. She has supported thousands of staffs using good IT skills and Customer’s Service skill in resolving application issues.
With her love for Network Marketing, she has been excelling in it and recruiting more people into the business. She has created active groups that are making it in the business.

Her focus for empowering other women cannot be over emphasized as currently, she has over hundred women in her Empowerment Women Network and some of them are already into the Real Estate Business and are succeeding in it.

She counsels and give Business Advisory to Entrepreneurs, Network marketers and also help in improving their business approach. She is Teacher when it comes to training and has handled several trainings both online and offline with good feedback from the attendees.

Her driven words of success are
* Never be too comfortable in your current position, get up and move up
* When it seems tough push forward and never up
* You only stop Succeeding when you give Up
* To be a success in life, you should be ready to take some risks and if you fail, try again till you succeed.
Caroline Akhuetie is married to Michael Akhuetie and blessed with three kids. She is the Executive Director of PWAN PRO REALTORS AND ESTATE LIMITED.

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We position our clients at the forefront of their field by advanced services.

We bring more than 20 years’ senior experience forging collaborations across government, private sector and international forums.

Consultio is a professional consulting company

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goiku ssimos ducimus qui blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque corrupti quos.

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